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Version: 2.x

Layers Are Shared by Default

Layer memoization allows a layer to be created once and used multiple times in the dependency graph. So if we use the same layer twice, e.g. (a >>> b) ++ (a >>> c), then the a layer will be allocated only once.

Layers are Memoized by Default When Providing Globally​

One important feature of a ZIO application is that layers are shared by default, meaning that if the same layer is used twice, and if we provide the layer globally the layer will only be allocated a single time. For every layer in our dependency graph, there is only one instance of it that is shared between all the layers that depend on it.

For example, assume we have the three A, B, and C services. The implementation of both B and C are dependent on the A service:

import zio._

trait A
trait B
trait C

case class BLive(a: A) extends B
case class CLive(a: A) extends C

val a: ZLayer[Any, Nothing, A] =
ZLayer(ZIO.succeed(new A {}).debug("initialized"))

val b: ZLayer[A, Nothing, B] =
ZLayer {
for {
a <- ZIO.service[A]
} yield BLive(a)

val c: ZLayer[A, Nothing, C] =
ZLayer {
for {
a <- ZIO.service[A]
} yield CLive(a)

Although both b and c layers require the a layer, the a layer is instantiated only once. It is shared with both b and c:

import zio._

object MainApp extends ZIOAppDefault {

val myApp: ZIO[B & C, Nothing, Unit] =
for {
_ <- ZIO.service[B]
_ <- ZIO.service[C]
} yield ()

// alternative: myApp.provideLayer((a >>> b) ++ (a >>> c))
def run = myApp.provide(a, b, c)
// Output:
// initialized: MainApp3$$anon$32@62c8b8d3

Acquiring a Fresh Version​

If we don't want to share a module, we should create a fresh, non-shared version of it through ZLayer#fresh.

import zio._

object MainApp extends ZIOAppDefault {

val myApp: ZIO[B & C, Nothing, Unit] =
for {
_ <- ZIO.service[B]
_ <- ZIO.service[C]
} yield ()

def run = myApp.provideLayer((a.fresh >>> b) ++ (a.fresh >>> c))
// Output:
// initialized: MainApp$$anon$22@7eb282da
// initialized: MainApp$$anon$22@6397a26a

Layers Are Not Memoized When Providing Locally​

If we don't provide a layer globally but instead provide them locally, that layer doesn't support memoization by default.

In the following example, we provided the A layer two times locally and the ZIO doesn't memoize the construction of the A layer. So, it will be initialized two times:

import zio._

object MainApp extends ZIOAppDefault {

val myApp: ZIO[Any, Nothing, Unit] =
for {
_ <- ZIO.service[A].provide(a) // providing locally
_ <- ZIO.service[A].provide(a) // providing locally
} yield ()

def run = myApp
// The output:
// initialized: MainApp$$anon$1@cd60bde
// initialized: MainApp$$anon$1@a984546

Manual Memoization​

We can memoize the A layer manually using the ZLayer#memoize operator. It will return a scoped effect that, if evaluated, will return the lazily computed result of this layer:

import zio._

object MainApp extends ZIOAppDefault {

val myApp: ZIO[Any, Nothing, Unit] =
ZIO.scoped {
a.memoize.flatMap { aLayer =>
for {
_ <- ZIO.service[A].provide(aLayer)
_ <- ZIO.service[A].provide(aLayer)
} yield ()

def run = myApp
// The output:
// initialized: MainApp$$anon$1@2bfc2bcc