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Version: 2.0.x

Introduction to Logging in ZIO

ZIO supports a lightweight built-in logging facade that standardizes the interface to logging functionality. So it doesn't replace existing logging libraries, but also we can plug it into one of the existing logging backends.

We can easily log using the ZIO.log function:

import zio._

val app =
for {
_ <- ZIO.log("Application started!")
name <- Console.readLine("Please enter your name: ")
_ <- ZIO.log("User entered its name: $name")
_ <- Console.printLine("Hello, $name")
} yield ()

Logging Levels

To log with a specific log-level, we can use the ZIO.logLevel combinator:

ZIO.logLevel(LogLevel.Warning) {
ZIO.log("The response time exceeded its threshold!")

Or we can use the following functions directly:

  • ZIO.logDebug
  • ZIO.logError
  • ZIO.logFatal
  • ZIO.logInfo
  • ZIO.logWarning

For example, for log with the error level, we can use ZIO.logError like this:

ZIO.logError("File does not exist: ~/var/www/favicon.ico")


It also supports spans:

ZIO.logSpan("myspan") {
ZIO.sleep(1.second) *> ZIO.log("The job is finished!")

ZIO Logging calculates the running duration of that span and includes that in the logging data corresponding to its span label.

Further Reading