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Introduction to ZIO's Control Flow Operators

Although we have access to built-in Scala control flow structures, ZIO has several control flow combinators. In this section, we are going to introduce different ways of controlling flows in ZIO applications.

if Expression​

When working with ZIO values, we can use built-in Scala if-then-else expressions:

import zio._

def validateWeightOption(weight: Double): ZIO[Any, Nothing, Option[Double]] =
if (weight >= 0)

Also, we can encode invalid inputs using the error channel:

import zio._

def validateWeightOrFail(weight: Double): ZIO[Any, String, Double] =
if (weight >= 0)
else"negative input: $weight")

Even if the input has side effects, we can use ZIO#flatMap to access the raw value and write the if-then-else expression:

import zio._

def validateWeightOrFailZIO[R](weight: ZIO[R, Nothing, Double]): ZIO[R, String, Double] =
weight.flatMap { w =>
if (w >= 0)
else"negative input: $w")

Conditional Operators​


We can also use ZIO's combinators that are the moral equivalent to these expressions:

Instead of if (p) expression we can use the ZIO.when or ZIO#when operator:

import zio._

def validateWeightOption(weight: Double): ZIO[Any, Nothing, Option[Double]] =
ZIO.when(weight > 0)(ZIO.succeed(weight))

If the predicate is effectful, we can use ZIO.whenZIO or ZIO#whenZIO operators.

For example, the following function creates a random option of int value:

import zio._

def randomIntOption: ZIO[Any, Nothing, Option[Int]] =

Another nice variant of the when operator is ZIO.whenCase and also the ZIO.whenCaseZIO. Using these operators, we can run an effect when our provided effectful PartialFunction matches the given raw or effectful input. The important note regarding this operator is that it is safe, so it will do nothing if the value does not match.

Let's try to write a game, which asks users to choose which game to play:

import zio._

def minesweeper(level: String) = ZIO.attempt(???)
def ticTacToe = ZIO.attempt(???)
def snake(rows: Int, columns: Int) = ZIO.attempt(???)

def myApp =
ZIO.whenCaseZIO {
"Please choose one game (minesweeper, snake, tictactoe)? "
) *> Console.readLine).orDie
} {
case "minesweeper" =>
"Please enter the level of the game (easy/hard/medium)?"
) *> Console.readLine.flatMap(minesweeper)
case "snake" =>
"Please enter the size of the game: "
) *> Console.readLine.mapAttempt(_.toInt).flatMap(n => snake(n, n))
case "tictactoe" => ticTacToe


The ZIO.unless and ZIO#unless operators are like when operators, but they are moral equivalent for the if (!p) expression construct.


This operator takes an effectful predicate, if that predicate is evaluated to true, it will run the onTrue effect, otherwise it will run the onFalse effect.

Let's try to write a simple virtual flip function:

import zio._

def flipTheCoin: ZIO[Any, IOException, Unit] =
onTrue = Console.printLine("Head"),
onFalse = Console.printLine("Tail")

Loop Operators​

In imperative Scala code bases, sometimes we may use while(condition) { statement } or do { statement } while (condition) constructs to perform loops:

object MainApp extends scala.App {
def printNumbers(from: Int, to: Int): Unit = {
var i = from
while (i <= to) {
i = i + 1

printNumbers(1, 3)

But in functional Scala, we tend to avoid mutable variables. So to have a loop, we would like to use recursion. Let's rewrite the previous example using recursion:

import scala.annotation.tailrec

object MainApp extends scala.App {
def printNumbers(from: Int, to: Int): Unit = {
if (from <= to) {
printNumbers(from + 1, to)
} else ()

printNumbers(1, 3)
// 1
// 2
// 3

In this example, we wrote a recursive function that prints numbers from 1 to 3. While the last effort doesn't use a mutable variable, it's not a pure solution. We have a println statement inside our solution, calling this function is not pure so the whole solution is not pure. We know that we can model effectful functions using the ZIO effect system. So let's try rewrite that using ZIO:

import zio._

object MainApp extends ZIOAppDefault {
def printNumbers(from: Int, to: Int): ZIO[Any, IOException, Unit] = {
if (from <= to)
Console.printLine(s"$from") *>
printNumbers(from + 1, to)
else ZIO.unit

def run = printNumbers(1, 5)

ZIO provides some loop combinators that help us avoid the need to write explicit recursions. This means that we can do almost anything we want to do without using explicit recursions. Let's rewrite the last solution using ZIO.loopDiscard:

import zio._


object MainApp extends ZIOAppDefault {
def printNumbers(from: Int, to: Int): ZIO[Any, IOException, Unit] = {
ZIO.loopDiscard(from)(_ <= to, _ + 1)(i => Console.printLine(i))

def run = printNumbers(1, 3)

After this short introduction to writing loops in functional Scala, now let us go further into ZIO-specific combinators for writing loops:


The ZIO.loop operator takes an initial state, then repeatedly changes the state based on the given inc function, until the given cont function evaluates to true:

object ZIO {
def loop[R, E, A, S](
initial: => S
)(cont: S => Boolean, inc: S => S)(body: S => ZIO[R, E, A]): ZIO[R, E, List[A]]

def loopDiscard[R, E, S](
initial: => S
)(cont: S => Boolean, inc: S => S)(body: S => ZIO[R, E, Any]): ZIO[R, E, Unit]

ZIO.loop collects all intermediate states in a list and returns it finally, while the ZIO.loopDiscard discards all results.

We can think of ZIO.loop as a moral equivalent of the following while loop:

var s  = initial
var as = List.empty[A]

while (cont(s)) {
as = body(s) :: as
s = inc(s)


Let's try some examples:

import zio._

val r1: ZIO[Any, Nothing, List[Int]] =
ZIO.loop(1)(_ <= 5, _ + 1)(n => ZIO.succeed(n)).debug
// List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

val r2: ZIO[Any, Nothing, List[Int]] =
ZIO.loop(1)(_ <= 5, _ + 1)(n => ZIO.succeed(n * 2)).debug
// List(2, 4, 6, 8, 10)

val r3: ZIO[Any, IOException, List[Unit]] =
ZIO.loop(1)(_ <= 5, _ + 1) { index =>
Console.printLine(s"Currently at index $index")
// Currently at index 1
// Currently at index 2
// Currently at index 3
// Currently at index 4
// Currently at index 5
// List((), (), (), (), ())

val r4: ZIO[Any, IOException, Unit] =
ZIO.loopDiscard(1)(_ <= 5, _ + 1) { index =>
Console.printLine(s"Currently at index $index")
// Currently at index 1
// Currently at index 2
// Currently at index 3
// Currently at index 4
// Currently at index 5
// ()

val r5: ZIO[Any, IOException, List[String]] =
Console.printLine("Please enter three names: ") *>
ZIO.loop(1)(_ <= 3, _ + 1) { n =>
Console.print(s"$n. ") *> Console.readLine
// Please enter three names:
// 1. John
// 2. Jane
// 3. Joe
// List(John, Jane, Joe)


To iterate with the given effectful operation we can use the ZIO.iterate combinator. During each iteration, it uses an effectful body operation to change the state, and it will continue the iteration while the cont function evaluates to true:

object ZIO {
def iterate[R, E, S](
initial: => S
)(cont: S => Boolean)(body: S => ZIO[R, E, S]): ZIO[R, E, S]

This operator is a moral equivalent of the following while loop:

var s = initial
while (cont(s)) {
s = body(s)

Let's try some examples:

import zio._

val r1 = ZIO.iterate(1)(_ <= 5)(s => ZIO.succeed(s + 1)).debug
// 6

val r2 = ZIO.iterate(1)(_ <= 5)(s => ZIO.succeed(s * 2).debug).debug("result")
// 2
// 4
// 8
// result: 8

Here's another example. Assume we want to take many names from the user using the terminal. We don't know how many names the user is going to enter. We can ask the user to write "exit" when all inputs are finished. To write such an application, we can use recursion like below:

import zio._

def getNames: ZIO[Any, IOException, List[String]] =
Console.print("Please enter all names") *>
Console.printLine(" (enter \"exit\" to indicate end of the list):") *> {
def loop(
names: List[String]
): ZIO[Any, IOException, List[String]] = {
Console.print(s"${names.length + 1}. ") *> Console.readLine
.flatMap {
case "exit" => ZIO.succeed(names)
case name => loop(names.appended(name))
// Please enter all names (enter "exit" to indicate end of the list):
// 1. John
// 2. Jane
// 3. Joe
// 4. exit
// List(John, Jane, Joe)

Instead of manually writing recursions, we can rely on well-tested ZIO combinators. So let's rewrite this application using the ZIO.iterate operator:

import zio._

def getNames: ZIO[Any, IOException, List[String]] =
Console.print("Please enter all names") *>
Console.printLine(" (enter \"exit\" to indicate end of the list):") *>
ZIO.iterate((List.empty[String], true))(_._2) { case (names, _) =>
Console.print(s"${names.length + 1}. ") *> {
case "exit" => (names, false)
case name => (names.appended(name), true)
// Please enter all names (enter "exit" to indicate end of the list):
// 1. John
// 2. Jane
// 3. Joe
// 4. exit
// List(John, Jane, Joe)


Note that, in several cases, we can avoid these low-level operators and instead use high-level ones. For example, let's try to rewrite the r5 with ZIO.foreach:

import zio._

Console.printLine("Please enter three names:") *>
ZIO.foreach(1 to 3) { index =>
Console.print(s"$index. ") *> Console.readLine
// Please enter three names:
// 1. John
// 2. Jane
// 3. Joe
// Vector(John, Jane, Joe)


When working with resources, just like Scala's try/catch/finally construct, in ZIO we have a similar operator called acquireRelease and also ensuring. We discussed them in more detail in the resource management section. But, for now, we want to focus on their control flow behaviors.

Let's learn about the ZIO.acquireReleaseWith operator. This operator takes three effects:

  1. acquire, an effect that describes the resource acquisition
  2. release, an effect that describes the release of the resource
  3. use, an effect that describes resource usage
import zio._

ZIO.acquireReleaseWith(acquire = ???)(release = ???)(use = ???)

This operator guarantees us that if the resource acquisition (acquire) succeeds, the release effect will be executed whether the use effect succeeded or not:

import zio._

def wordCount(fileName: String): ZIO[Any, Throwable, Int] = {
def openFile(name: => String): ZIO[Any, IOException, Source] =

def closeFile(source: => Source): ZIO[Any, Nothing, Unit] =

def wordCount(source: => Source): ZIO[Any, Throwable, Int] =


Let's try a simple acquireRelease workflow to see how its control flow works:

import zio._

object MainApp extends ZIOAppDefault {
def run =
ZIO.acquireReleaseWith {
ZIO.succeed("resource").tap(r => ZIO.debug(s"$r acquired"))
} { i =>
ZIO.debug(s"$i released")
} { i =>
ZIO.debug(s"start using $i")
// Output:
// resource acquired
// start using resource
// resource released