
trait Schedule[-Env, -In, +Out] extends Serializable

A Schedule[Env, In, Out] defines a recurring schedule, which consumes values of type In, and which returns values of type Out.

Schedules are defined as a possibly infinite set of intervals spread out over time. Each interval defines a window in which recurrence is possible.

When schedules are used to repeat or retry effects, the starting boundary of each interval produced by a schedule is used as the moment when the effect will be executed again.

Schedules compose in the following primary ways:

* Union. This performs the union of the intervals of two schedules. * Intersection. This performs the intersection of the intervals of two schedules. * Sequence. This concatenates the intervals of one schedule onto another.

In addition, schedule inputs and outputs can be transformed, filtered (to terminate a schedule early in response to some input or output), and so forth.

A variety of other operators exist for transforming and combining schedules, and the companion object for Schedule contains all common types of schedules, both for performing retrying, as well as performing repetition.

Self Type
Schedule[Env, In, Out]
Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. Schedule
  2. Serializable
  3. AnyRef
  4. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. abstract type State

Abstract Value Members

  1. abstract def initial: State
  2. abstract def step(now: OffsetDateTime, in: In, state: State)(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[Env, Nothing, (State, Out, Decision)]

Concrete Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  2. final def ##: Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  3. final def &&[Env1 <: Env, In1 <: In, Out2](that: Schedule[Env1, In1, Out2])(implicit zippable: Zippable[Out, Out2]): WithState[(State, State), Env1, In1, Out]

    Returns a new schedule that performs a geometric intersection on the intervals defined by both schedules.

  4. final def ***[Env1 <: Env, In2, Out2](that: Schedule[Env1, In2, Out2]): WithState[(State, State), Env1, (In, In2), (Out, Out2)]

    Returns a new schedule that has both the inputs and outputs of this and the specified schedule.

  5. final def *>[Env1 <: Env, In1 <: In, Out2](that: Schedule[Env1, In1, Out2])(implicit trace: Trace): WithState[(State, State), Env1, In1, Out2]

    The same as &&, but ignores the left output.

  6. final def ++[Env1 <: Env, In1 <: In, Out2 >: Out](that: Schedule[Env1, In1, Out2])(implicit trace: Trace): WithState[(State, State, Boolean), Env1, In1, Out2]

    A symbolic alias for andThen.

  7. final def +++[Env1 <: Env, In2, Out2](that: Schedule[Env1, In2, Out2]): WithState[(State, State), Env1, Either[In, In2], Either[Out, Out2]]

    Returns a new schedule that allows choosing between feeding inputs to this schedule, or feeding inputs to the specified schedule.

  8. final def <*[Env1 <: Env, In1 <: In, Out2](that: Schedule[Env1, In1, Out2])(implicit trace: Trace): WithState[(State, State), Env1, In1, Out]

    The same as &&, but ignores the right output.

  9. final def <*>[Env1 <: Env, In1 <: In, Out2](that: Schedule[Env1, In1, Out2])(implicit zippable: Zippable[Out, Out2]): WithState[(State, State), Env1, In1, Out]

    An operator alias for zip.

  10. final def <<<[Env1 <: Env, In2](that: Schedule[Env1, In2, In]): WithState[(State, State), Env1, In2, Out]

    A backwards version of >>>.

  11. final def <||>[Env1 <: Env, In1 <: In, Out2](that: Schedule[Env1, In1, Out2]): WithState[(State, State, Boolean), Env1, In1, Either[Out, Out2]]

    Operator alias for andThenEither.

  12. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  13. final def >>>[Env1 <: Env, Out2](that: Schedule[Env1, Out, Out2]): WithState[(State, State), Env1, In, Out2]

    Returns the composition of this schedule and the specified schedule, by piping the output of this one into the input of the other.

    Returns the composition of this schedule and the specified schedule, by piping the output of this one into the input of the other. Effects described by this schedule will always be executed before the effects described by the second schedule.

  14. final def addDelay(f: (Out) => zio.Duration)(implicit trace: Trace): WithState[State, Env, In, Out]

    Returns a new schedule with the given delay added to every interval defined by this schedule.

  15. final def addDelayZIO[Env1 <: Env](f: (Out) => URIO[Env1, zio.Duration])(implicit trace: Trace): WithState[State, Env1, In, Out]

    Returns a new schedule with the given effectfully computed delay added to every interval defined by this schedule.

  16. final def andThen[Env1 <: Env, In1 <: In, Out2 >: Out](that: Schedule[Env1, In1, Out2])(implicit trace: Trace): WithState[(State, State, Boolean), Env1, In1, Out2]

    The same as andThenEither, but merges the output.

  17. final def andThenEither[Env1 <: Env, In1 <: In, Out2](that: Schedule[Env1, In1, Out2]): WithState[(State, State, Boolean), Env1, In1, Either[Out, Out2]]

    Returns a new schedule that first executes this schedule to completion, and then executes the specified schedule to completion.

  18. final def as[Out2](out2: => Out2)(implicit trace: Trace): WithState[State, Env, In, Out2]

    Returns a new schedule that maps this schedule to a constant output.

  19. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0
    Definition Classes
  20. final def check[In1 <: In](test: (In1, Out) => Boolean)(implicit trace: Trace): WithState[State, Env, In1, Out]

    Returns a new schedule that passes each input and output of this schedule to the specified function, and then determines whether or not to continue based on the return value of the function.

  21. final def checkZIO[Env1 <: Env, In1 <: In](test: (In1, Out) => URIO[Env1, Boolean]): WithState[State, Env1, In1, Out]

    Returns a new schedule that passes each input and output of this schedule to the specified function, and then determines whether or not to continue based on the return value of the function.

  22. def clone(): AnyRef
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException]) @native()
  23. final def collectAll[Out1 >: Out](implicit trace: Trace): WithState[(State, Chunk[Out1]), Env, In, Chunk[Out1]]

    Returns a new schedule that collects the outputs of this one into a chunk.

  24. final def collectUntil[Out1 >: Out](f: (Out) => Boolean)(implicit trace: Trace): WithState[(State, Chunk[Out1]), Env, In, Chunk[Out1]]

    Returns a new schedule that collects the outputs of this one into a list until the condition f fails.

  25. final def collectUntilZIO[Env1 <: Env, Out1 >: Out](f: (Out) => URIO[Env1, Boolean])(implicit trace: Trace): WithState[(State, Chunk[Out1]), Env1, In, Chunk[Out1]]

    Returns a new schedule that collects the outputs of this one into a list until the effectual condition f fails.

  26. final def collectWhile[Out1 >: Out](f: (Out) => Boolean)(implicit trace: Trace): WithState[(State, Chunk[Out1]), Env, In, Chunk[Out1]]

    Returns a new schedule that collects the outputs of this one into a list as long as the condition f holds.

  27. final def collectWhileZIO[Env1 <: Env, Out1 >: Out](f: (Out) => URIO[Env1, Boolean])(implicit trace: Trace): WithState[(State, Chunk[Out1]), Env1, In, Chunk[Out1]]

    Returns a new schedule that collects the outputs of this one into a list as long as the effectual condition f holds.

  28. final def compose[Env1 <: Env, In2](that: Schedule[Env1, In2, In]): WithState[(State, State), Env1, In2, Out]

    A named alias for <<<.

  29. final def contramap[Env1 <: Env, In2](f: (In2) => In)(implicit trace: Trace): WithState[State, Env, In2, Out]

    Returns a new schedule that deals with a narrower class of inputs than this schedule.

  30. final def contramapZIO[Env1 <: Env, In2](f: (In2) => URIO[Env1, In]): WithState[State, Env1, In2, Out]

    Returns a new schedule that deals with a narrower class of inputs than this schedule.

  31. final def delayed(f: (zio.Duration) => zio.Duration)(implicit trace: Trace): WithState[State, Env, In, Out]

    Returns a new schedule with the specified effectfully computed delay added before the start of each interval produced by this schedule.

  32. final def delayedZIO[Env1 <: Env](f: (zio.Duration) => URIO[Env1, zio.Duration]): WithState[State, Env1, In, Out]

    Returns a new schedule with the specified effectfully computed delay added before the start of each interval produced by this schedule.

  33. final def delays: WithState[State, Env, In, zio.Duration]

    Returns a new schedule that outputs the delay between each occurence.

  34. final def dimap[In2, Out2](f: (In2) => In, g: (Out) => Out2)(implicit trace: Trace): WithState[State, Env, In2, Out2]

    Returns a new schedule that contramaps the input and maps the output.

  35. final def dimapZIO[Env1 <: Env, In2, Out2](f: (In2) => URIO[Env1, In], g: (Out) => URIO[Env1, Out2]): WithState[State, Env1, In2, Out2]

    Returns a new schedule that contramaps the input and maps the output.

  36. final def driver(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Driver[State, Env, In, Out]]

    Returns a driver that can be used to step the schedule, appropriately handling sleeping.

  37. final def either[Env1 <: Env, In1 <: In, Out2](that: Schedule[Env1, In1, Out2]): WithState[(State, State), Env1, In1, (Out, Out2)]

    A named alias for ||.

  38. final def eitherWith[Env1 <: Env, In1 <: In, Out2, Out3](that: Schedule[Env1, In1, Out2])(f: (Out, Out2) => Out3)(implicit trace: Trace): WithState[(State, State), Env1, In1, Out3]

    The same as either followed by map.

  39. final def ensuring(finalizer: UIO[Any]): WithState[State, Env, In, Out]

    Returns a new schedule that will run the specified finalizer as soon as the schedule is complete.

    Returns a new schedule that will run the specified finalizer as soon as the schedule is complete. Note that unlike ZIO#ensuring, this method does not guarantee the finalizer will be run. The Schedule may not initialize or the driver of the schedule may not run to completion. However, if the Schedule ever decides not to continue, then the finalizer will be run.

  40. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  41. def equals(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  42. final def first[X]: WithState[(State, Unit), Env, (In, X), (Out, X)]

    Returns a new schedule that packs the input and output of this schedule into the first element of a tuple.

    Returns a new schedule that packs the input and output of this schedule into the first element of a tuple. This allows carrying information through this schedule.

  43. final def fold[Z](z: Z)(f: (Z, Out) => Z)(implicit trace: Trace): WithState[(State, Z), Env, In, Z]

    Returns a new schedule that folds over the outputs of this one.

  44. final def foldZIO[Env1 <: Env, Z](z: Z)(f: (Z, Out) => URIO[Env1, Z]): WithState[(State, Z), Env1, In, Z]

    Returns a new schedule that effectfully folds over the outputs of this one.

  45. final def forever: WithState[State, Env, In, Out]

    Returns a new schedule that loops this one continuously, resetting the state when this schedule is done.

  46. final def getClass(): Class[_ <: AnyRef]
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  47. def hashCode(): Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  48. final def intersectWith[Env1 <: Env, In1 <: In, Out2](that: Schedule[Env1, In1, Out2])(f: (Intervals, Intervals) => Intervals)(implicit zippable: Zippable[Out, Out2]): WithState[(State, State), Env1, In1, Out]

    Returns a new schedule that combines this schedule with the specified schedule, continuing as long as both schedules want to continue and merging the next intervals according to the specified merge function.

  49. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean
    Definition Classes
  50. final def jittered(min: Double, max: Double)(implicit trace: Trace): WithState[State, Env, In, Out]

    Returns a new schedule that randomly modifies the size of the intervals of this schedule.

    Returns a new schedule that randomly modifies the size of the intervals of this schedule.

    The new interval size is between min * old interval size and max * old interval size.

    [Research]( shows that jittered(0.0, 1.0) is a suitable range for a retrying schedule.

  51. final def jittered(implicit trace: Trace): WithState[State, Env, In, Out]

    Returns a new schedule that randomly modifies the size of the intervals of this schedule.

  52. final def left[X]: WithState[(State, Unit), Env, Either[In, X], Either[Out, X]]

    Returns a new schedule that makes this schedule available on the Left side of an Either input, allowing propagating some type X through this channel on demand.

  53. final def map[Out2](f: (Out) => Out2)(implicit trace: Trace): WithState[State, Env, In, Out2]

    Returns a new schedule that maps the output of this schedule through the specified function.

  54. final def mapZIO[Env1 <: Env, Out2](f: (Out) => URIO[Env1, Out2]): WithState[State, Env1, In, Out2]

    Returns a new schedule that maps the output of this schedule through the specified effectful function.

  55. final def modifyDelay(f: (Out, zio.Duration) => zio.Duration): WithState[State, Env, In, Out]

    Returns a new schedule that modifies the delay using the specified function.

  56. final def modifyDelayZIO[Env1 <: Env](f: (Out, zio.Duration) => URIO[Env1, zio.Duration]): WithState[State, Env1, In, Out]

    Returns a new schedule that modifies the delay using the specified effectual function.

  57. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  58. final def notify(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  59. final def notifyAll(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  60. final def onDecision[Env1 <: Env](f: (State, Out, Decision) => URIO[Env1, Any]): WithState[State, Env1, In, Out]

    Returns a new schedule that applies the current one but runs the specified effect for every decision of this schedule.

    Returns a new schedule that applies the current one but runs the specified effect for every decision of this schedule. This can be used to create schedules that log failures, decisions, or computed values.

  61. final def passthrough[In1 <: In](implicit trace: Trace): WithState[State, Env, In1, In1]

    Returns a new schedule that passes through the inputs of this schedule.

  62. final def provideEnvironment(env: ZEnvironment[Env]): WithState[State, Any, In, Out]

    Returns a new schedule with its environment provided to it, so the resulting schedule does not require any environment.

  63. final def provideSomeEnvironment[Env2](f: (ZEnvironment[Env2]) => ZEnvironment[Env]): WithState[State, Env2, In, Out]

    Transforms the environment being provided to this schedule with the specified function.

  64. final def reconsider[Out2](f: (State, Out, Decision) => Either[Out2, (Out2, Interval)])(implicit trace: Trace): WithState[State, Env, In, Out2]

    Returns a new schedule that reconsiders every decision made by this schedule, possibly modifying the next interval and the output type in the process.

  65. final def reconsiderZIO[Env1 <: Env, In1 <: In, Out2](f: (State, Out, Decision) => URIO[Env1, Either[Out2, (Out2, Interval)]]): WithState[State, Env1, In1, Out2]

    Returns a new schedule that effectfully reconsiders every decision made by this schedule, possibly modifying the next interval and the output type in the process.

  66. final def repetitions(implicit trace: Trace): WithState[(State, Long), Env, In, Long]

    Returns a new schedule that outputs the number of repetitions of this one.

  67. final def resetAfter(duration: zio.Duration)(implicit trace: Trace): WithState[(State, Option[OffsetDateTime]), Env, In, Out]

    Return a new schedule that automatically resets the schedule to its initial state after some time of inactivity defined by duration.

  68. final def resetWhen(f: (Out) => Boolean): WithState[State, Env, In, Out]

    Resets the schedule when the specified predicate on the schedule output evaluates to true.

  69. final def right[X]: WithState[(Unit, State), Env, Either[X, In], Either[X, Out]]

    Returns a new schedule that makes this schedule available on the Right side of an Either input, allowing propagating some type X through this channel on demand.

  70. final def run(now: OffsetDateTime, input: Iterable[In])(implicit trace: Trace): URIO[Env, Chunk[Out]]

    Runs a schedule using the provided inputs, and collects all outputs.

  71. final def second[X]: WithState[(Unit, State), Env, (X, In), (X, Out)]

    Returns a new schedule that packs the input and output of this schedule into the second element of a tuple.

    Returns a new schedule that packs the input and output of this schedule into the second element of a tuple. This allows carrying information through this schedule.

  72. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: => T0): T0
    Definition Classes
  73. final def tapInput[Env1 <: Env, In1 <: In](f: (In1) => URIO[Env1, Any]): WithState[State, Env1, In1, Out]

    Returns a new schedule that effectfully processes every input to this schedule.

  74. final def tapOutput[Env1 <: Env](f: (Out) => URIO[Env1, Any]): WithState[State, Env1, In, Out]

    Returns a new schedule that effectfully processes every output from this schedule.

  75. def toString(): String
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  76. final def unionWith[Env1 <: Env, In1 <: In, Out2](that: Schedule[Env1, In1, Out2])(f: (Intervals, Intervals) => Intervals)(implicit zippable: Zippable[Out, Out2]): WithState[(State, State), Env1, In1, Out]

    Returns a new schedule that combines this schedule with the specified schedule, continuing as long as either schedule wants to continue and merging the next intervals according to the specified merge function.

  77. final def unit(implicit trace: Trace): WithState[State, Env, In, Unit]

    Returns a new schedule that maps the output of this schedule to unit.

  78. final def untilInput[In1 <: In](f: (In1) => Boolean)(implicit trace: Trace): WithState[State, Env, In1, Out]

    Returns a new schedule that continues until the specified predicate on the input evaluates to true.

  79. final def untilInputZIO[Env1 <: Env, In1 <: In](f: (In1) => URIO[Env1, Boolean])(implicit trace: Trace): WithState[State, Env1, In1, Out]

    Returns a new schedule that continues until the specified effectful predicate on the input evaluates to true.

  80. final def untilOutput(f: (Out) => Boolean)(implicit trace: Trace): WithState[State, Env, In, Out]

    Returns a new schedule that continues until the specified predicate on the output evaluates to true.

  81. final def untilOutputZIO[Env1 <: Env](f: (Out) => URIO[Env1, Boolean])(implicit trace: Trace): WithState[State, Env1, In, Out]

    Returns a new schedule that continues until the specified effectful predicate on the output evaluates to true.

  82. final def upTo(duration: zio.Duration)(implicit trace: Trace): WithState[(State, Option[OffsetDateTime]), Env, In, Out]

    A schedule that recurs during the given duration

  83. final def wait(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  84. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit
    Definition Classes
  85. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.InterruptedException]) @native()
  86. final def whileInput[In1 <: In](f: (In1) => Boolean)(implicit trace: Trace): WithState[State, Env, In1, Out]

    Returns a new schedule that continues for as long the specified predicate on the input evaluates to true.

  87. final def whileInputZIO[Env1 <: Env, In1 <: In](f: (In1) => URIO[Env1, Boolean]): WithState[State, Env1, In1, Out]

    Returns a new schedule that continues for as long the specified effectful predicate on the input evaluates to true.

  88. final def whileOutput(f: (Out) => Boolean)(implicit trace: Trace): WithState[State, Env, In, Out]

    Returns a new schedule that continues for as long the specified predicate on the output evaluates to true.

  89. final def whileOutputZIO[Env1 <: Env](f: (Out) => URIO[Env1, Boolean]): WithState[State, Env1, In, Out]

    Returns a new schedule that continues for as long the specified effectful predicate on the output evaluates to true.

  90. final def zip[Env1 <: Env, In1 <: In, Out2](that: Schedule[Env1, In1, Out2])(implicit zippable: Zippable[Out, Out2]): WithState[(State, State), Env1, In1, Out]

    A named method for &&.

  91. final def zipLeft[Env1 <: Env, In1 <: In, Out2](that: Schedule[Env1, In1, Out2])(implicit trace: Trace): WithState[(State, State), Env1, In1, Out]

    The same as &&, but ignores the right output.

  92. final def zipRight[Env1 <: Env, In1 <: In, Out2](that: Schedule[Env1, In1, Out2])(implicit trace: Trace): WithState[(State, State), Env1, In1, Out2]

    The same as &&, but ignores the left output.

  93. final def zipWith[Env1 <: Env, In1 <: In, Out2, Out3](that: Schedule[Env1, In1, Out2])(f: (Out, Out2) => Out3)(implicit trace: Trace): WithState[(State, State), Env1, In1, Out3]

    Equivalent to zip followed by map.

  94. final def ||[Env1 <: Env, In1 <: In, Out2](that: Schedule[Env1, In1, Out2])(implicit zippable: Zippable[Out, Out2]): WithState[(State, State), Env1, In1, Out]

    Returns a new schedule that performs a geometric union on the intervals defined by both schedules.

  95. final def |||[Env1 <: Env, Out1 >: Out, In2](that: Schedule[Env1, In2, Out1])(implicit trace: Trace): WithState[(State, State), Env1, Either[In, In2], Out1]

    Returns a new schedule that chooses between two schedules with a common output.

Deprecated Value Members

  1. def finalize(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.Throwable]) @Deprecated

    (Since version 9)

Inherited from Serializable

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
