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Version: 1.0.18



A ZTransducer[R, E, I, O] is a stream transformer. Transducers accept a stream as input, and return the transformed stream as output.

ZTransducers can be thought of as a recipe for calling a bunch of methods on a source stream, to yield a new (transformed) stream. A nice mental model is the following type alias:

type ZTransducer[Env, Err, In, Out] = ZStream[Env, Err, In] => ZStream[Env, Err, Out]

There is no fundamental requirement for transducers to exist, because everything transducers do can be done directly on a stream. However, because transducers separate the stream transformation from the source stream itself, it becomes possible to abstract over stream transformations at the level of values, creating, storing, and passing around reusable transformation pipelines that can be applied to many different streams.


From Effect​

The ZTransducer.fromEffect creates a transducer that always evaluates the specified effect. Let's write a transducer that fails with a message:

val error: ZTransducer[Any, String, Any, Nothing] = ZTransducer.fromEffect("Ouch"))

From Function​

By using ZTransducer.fromFunction we convert a function into a transducer. Let's create a transducer which converts a stream of strings into a stream of characters:

val chars: ZTransducer[Any, Nothing, String, Char] = 
.fromFunction[String, Chunk[Char]](s => Chunk.fromArray(s.toArray))

There is also a ZTransducer.fromFunctionM which is an effecful version of this constructor.

Built-in Transducers​


The identity transducer passes elements through without any modification:

// Ouput: 1, 2, 3

head and last​

The ZTransducer.head and ZTransducer.last are two transducers that return the first and last element of a stream:

val stream: UStream[Int] = ZStream(1, 2, 3, 4)
val head: UStream[Option[Int]] = stream.transduce(ZTransducer.head)
val last: UStream[Option[Int]] = stream.transduce(ZTransducer.last)


ZTransducer.splitOn — A transducer that splits strings on a delimiter:

ZStream("1-2-3", "4-5", "6", "7-8-9-10")
// Ouput: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 10

ZTransducer.splitLines — A transducer that splits strings on newlines. Handles both Windows newlines (\r\n) and UNIX newlines (\n):

ZStream("This is the first line.\nSecond line.\nAnd the last line.")
// Output: "This is the first line.", "Second line.", "And the last line."

ZTransducer.splitOnChunk — A transducer that splits elements on a delimiter and transforms the splits into desired output:

ZStream(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)
.transduce(ZTransducer.splitOnChunk(Chunk(4, 5, 6)))
// Output: Chunk(1, 2, 3), Chunk(7, 8, 9, 10)


ZTransducer.dropWhile — Creates a transducer that starts consuming values as soon as one fails the given predicate:

ZStream(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)
.transduce(ZTransducer.dropWhile(_ <= 5))
// Output: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

The ZTransducer also has dropWhileM which takes an effectful predicate p: I => ZIO[R, E, Boolean].


ZTransducer.fold — Using ZTransudcer.fold we can fold incoming elements until we reach the false predicate, then the transducer emits the computed value and restarts the folding process:

.range(0, 8)
ZTransducer.fold[Int, Chunk[Int]](Chunk.empty)(_.length < 3)((s, i) =>
s ++ Chunk(i)
// Ouput: Chunk(0, 1, 2), Chunk(3, 4, 5), Chunk(6, 7)

Note that the ZTransducer.foldM is like fold, but it folds effectfully.

ZTransducer.foldWeighted — Creates a transducer that folds incoming elements until reaches the max worth of elements determined by the costFn, then the transducer emits the computed value and restarts the folding process:

object ZTransducer {
def foldWeighted[I, O](z: O)(costFn: (O, I) => Long, max: Long)(
f: (O, I) => O
): ZTransducer[Any, Nothing, I, O] = ???

In the following example, each time we consume a new element we return one as the weight of that element using cost function. After three times, the sum of the weights reaches to the max number, and the folding process restarted. So we expect this transducer to group each three elements in one Chunk:

ZStream(3, 2, 4, 1, 5, 6, 2, 1, 3, 5, 6)
(_, _: Int) => 1,
) { (acc, el) =>
acc ++ Chunk(el)
// Output: Chunk(3,2,4),Chunk(1,5,6),Chunk(2,1,3),Chunk(5,6)

Another example is when we want to group element which sum of them equal or less than a specific number:

ZStream(1, 2, 2, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 0, 2, 1, 2)
(_, i: Int) => i.toLong,
) { (acc, el) =>
acc ++ Chunk(el)
// Output: Chunk(1,2,2),Chunk(4),Chunk(2,1,1,1,0),Chunk(2,1,2)


The ZTransducer.foldWeighted cannot decompose elements whose weight is more than the max number. So elements that have an individual cost larger than max will force the transducer to cross the max cost. In the last example, if the source stream was ZStream(1, 2, 2, 4, 2, 1, 6, 1, 0, 2, 1, 2) the output would be Chunk(1,2,2),Chunk(4),Chunk(2,1),Chunk(6),Chunk(1,0,2,1),Chunk(2). As we see, the 6 element crossed the max cost.

To decompose these elements, we should use ZTransducer.foldWeightedDecompose function.

ZTransducer.foldWeightedDecompose — As we saw in the previous section, we need a way to decompose elements — whose cause the output aggregate cross the max — into smaller elements. This version of fold takes decompose function and enables us to do that:

object ZTransducer {
def foldWeightedDecompose[I, O](
z: O
)(costFn: (O, I) => Long, max: Long, decompose: I => Chunk[I])(
f: (O, I) => O
): ZTransducer[Any, Nothing, I, O] = ???

In the following example, we are break down elements that are bigger than 5, using decompose function:

ZStream(1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 6, 1, 7, 2, 1, 2)
(_, i: Int) => i.toLong,
(i: Int) =>
if (i > 5) Chunk(i - 1, 1) else Chunk(i)
)((acc, el) => acc ++ Chunk.succeed(el))
// Ouput: Chunk(1,2,2),Chunk(2,1),Chunk(5),Chunk(1,1),Chunk(5),Chunk(1,1,2,1),Chunk(2)

ZTransducer.foldUntil — Creates a transducer that folds incoming element until specific max elements have been folded:

ZStream(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)
.transduce(ZTransducer.foldUntil(0, 3)(_ + _))
// Output: 6, 15, 24, 10

ZTransducer.foldLeft — This transducer will fold the inputs until the stream ends, resulting in a stream with one element:

val stream: ZStream[Any, Nothing, Int] = 
ZStream(1, 2, 3, 4).transduce(ZTransducer.foldLeft(0)(_ + _))
// Output: 10


The ZTransducer.prepend creates a transducer that emits the provided chunks before emitting any other values:

ZStream(2, 3, 4).transduce(
ZTransducer.prepend(Chunk(0, 1))
// Output: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4


The ZTransducer.branchAfter takes n as an input and creates a transducer that reads the first n values from the stream and uses them to choose the transducer that will be used for the rest of the stream.

In the following example, we are prompting the user to enter a series of numbers. If the sum of the first three elements is less than 5, we continue to emit the remaining elements by using ZTransducer.identity, otherwise, we retry prompting the user to enter another series of numbers:

putStr("Enter numbers separated by comma: ") *> getStrLn
ZTransducer.branchAfter(3) { elements =>
if (elements.sum < 5)
putStrLn(s"received elements are not applicable: $elements")
) >>>"boom")


ZTransducer.collectAllN — Collects incoming values into chunk of maximum size of n:

ZStream(1, 2, 3, 4, 5).transduce(
// Output: Chunk(1,2,3), Chunk(4,5)

ZTransducer.collectAllWhile — Accumulates incoming elements into a chunk as long as they verify the given predicate:

ZStream(1, 2, 0, 4, 0, 6, 7).transduce(
ZTransducer.collectAllWhile(_ != 0)
// Output: Chunk(1,2), Chunk(4), Chunk(6,7)

ZTransducer.collectAllToMapN — Creates a transducer accumulating incoming values into maps of up to n keys. Elements are mapped to keys using the function key; elements mapped to the same key will be merged with the function f:

object ZTransducer {
def collectAllToMapN[K, I](n: Long)(key: I => K)(
f: (I, I) => I
): ZTransducer[Any, Nothing, I, Map[K, I]] = ???

Let's do an example:

ZStream(1, 2, 0, 4, 5).transduce(
ZTransducer.collectAllToMapN[Int, Int](10)(_ % 3)(_ + _)
// Output: Map(1 -> 5, 2 -> 7, 0 -> 0)

ZTransducer.collectAllToSetN — Creates a transducer accumulating incoming values into sets of maximum size n:

ZStream(1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 3, 0, 5, 0, 2).transduce(
// Output: Set(1,2,3), Set(0,5,2), Set(1)


ZTransducer.deflate — The deflate transducer compresses a stream of bytes as specified by RFC 1951.

import{CompressionLevel, CompressionStrategy, FlushMode}

def compressWithDeflate(clearText: ZStream[Any, Nothing, Byte]): ZStream[Any, Nothing, Byte] = {
val bufferSize: Int = 64 * 1024 // Internal buffer size. Few times bigger than upstream chunks should work well.
val noWrap: Boolean = false // For HTTP Content-Encoding should be false.
val level: CompressionLevel = CompressionLevel.DefaultCompression
val strategy: CompressionStrategy = CompressionStrategy.DefaultStrategy
val flushMode: FlushMode = FlushMode.NoFlush
clearText.transduce(deflate(bufferSize, noWrap, level, strategy, flushMode))

def deflateWithDefaultParameters(clearText: ZStream[Any, Nothing, Byte]): ZStream[Any, Nothing, Byte] =

ZTransducer.gzip — The gzip transducer compresses a stream of bytes as using gzip method:


bufferSize = 64 * 1024,
level = CompressionLevel.DefaultCompression,
strategy = CompressionStrategy.DefaultStrategy,
flushMode = FlushMode.NoFlush


If we are reading Content-Encoding: deflate, Content-Encoding: gzip streams, or other such streams of compressed data, the following transducers can be helpful. Both decompression methods will fail with CompressionException when input wasn't properly compressed:

ZTransducer.inflate — This transducer allows decompressing stream of deflated inputs, according to RFC 1951.

import{ gunzip, inflate }

def decompressDeflated(deflated: ZStream[Any, Nothing, Byte]): ZStream[Any, CompressionException, Byte] = {
val bufferSize: Int = 64 * 1024 // Internal buffer size. Few times bigger than upstream chunks should work well.
val noWrap: Boolean = false // For HTTP Content-Encoding should be false.
deflated.transduce(inflate(bufferSize, noWrap))

ZTransducer.gunzip — This transducer can be used to decompress stream of gzipped inputs, according to RFC 1952:

import{ gunzip, inflate }

def decompressGzipped(gzipped: ZStream[Any, Nothing, Byte]): ZStream[Any, CompressionException, Byte] = {
val bufferSize: Int = 64 * 1024 // Internal buffer size. Few times bigger than upstream chunks should work well.


ZIO stream has a wide variety of transducers to decode chunks of bytes into strings:

ZTransducer.utfDecodeUnicode bytesString
ZTransducer.utf8DecodeUTF-8 bytesString
ZTransducer.utf16BEDecodeUTF-16BE bytesString
ZTransducer.utf16LEDecodeUTF-16LE bytesString
ZTransducer.utf32DecodeUTF-32 bytesString
ZTransducer.utf32BEDecodeUTF-32BE bytesString
ZTransducer.utf32LEDecodeUTF-32LE bytesString
ZTransducer.usASCIIDecodeUS-ASCII bytesString



Transducers have two types of filtering operations, the ZTransducer#filter used for filtering outgoing elements and the ZTransducer#filterInput is used for filtering incoming elements:

ZStream(1, -2, 0, 1, 3, -3, 4, 2, 0, 1, -3, 1, 1, 6)
.filterInput[Int](_ > 0)
.filter(_.sum > 5)
// Output: Chunk(4,2,1), Chunk(1,1,6)

Input Transformation (Mapping)​

To transform the outputs of the transducer, we can use the ZTransducer#map combinator for the success channel, and the ZTransducer#mapError combinator for the failure channel. Also, the ZTransducer.mapChunks takes a function of type Chunk[O] => Chunk[O2] and transforms chunks emitted by the transducer.

Output Transformation (Contramap)​

To transform the inputs of the transducer, we can use the ZTransducer#contramap combinator. It takes a map function of type J => I and convert a ZTransducer[R, E, I, O] to ZTransducer[R, E, J, O]:

class ZTransducer[-R, +E, -I, +O] {
final def contramap[J](f: J => I): ZTransducer[R, E, J, O] = ???

Let's create an integer parser transducer using ZTransducer.contramap:

val numbers: ZStream[Any, Nothing, Int] =


We can compose transducers in two ways:

  1. Composing Two Transducers — One transducer can be composed with another transducer, resulting in a composite transducer:
val lines: ZStream[Blocking, Throwable, String] =
ZTransducer.utf8Decode >>> ZTransducer.splitLines
  1. Composing ZTransducer with ZSink — One transducer can be composed with a sink, resulting in a sink that processes elements by piping them through the transducer and piping the results into the sink:
val refine: ZIO[Blocking, Throwable, Long] =
ZTransducer.utf8Decode >>> ZTransducer.splitLines.filter(_.contains('â‚¿')) >>>
_.flatMap(line => (line + System.lineSeparator()).getBytes())