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Version: 1.0.18


A Promise[E, A] is a variable of IO[E, A] type that can be set exactly once.

Promise is a purely functional synchronization primitive which represents a single value that may not yet be available. When we create a Promise, it always started with an empty value, then it can be completed exactly once at some point, and then it will never become empty or modified again.

Promise is a synchronization primitive. So, it is useful whenever we want to wait for something to happen. Whenever we need to synchronize a fiber with another fiber, we can use Promise. It allows us to have fibers waiting for other fibers to do things. Any time we want to handoff of a work from one fiber to another fiber or anytime we want to suspend a fiber until some other fiber does a certain amount of work, well we need to be using a Promise. Also, We can use Promise with Ref to build other concurrent primitives, like Queue and Semaphore.

By calling await on the Promise, the current fiber blocks, until that event happens. As we know, blocking thread in ZIO, don't actually block kernel threads. They are semantic blocking, so when a fiber is blocked the underlying thread is free to run all other fibers.

Promise is the equivalent of Scala's Promise. It's almost the same, except it has two type parameters, instead of one. Also instead of calling future, we need to call await on ZIO Promise to wait for the Promise to be completed.

Promises can be failed with a value of type E and succeeded that is completed with success with the value of type A. So there are two ways we can complete a Promise, with failure or success and then whoever is waiting on the Promise will get back that failure or success.



Promises can be created using Promise.make[E, A], which returns UIO[Promise[E, A]]. This is a description of creating a promise, but not the actual promise. Promises cannot be created outside of IO, because creating them involves allocating mutable memory, which is an effect and must be safely captured in IO.


You can complete a Promise[E, A] in few different ways:

  • successfully with a value of type A using succeed
  • with Exit[E, A] using done - each await will get this exit propagated
  • with result of effect IO[E, A] using complete - the effect will be executed once and the result will be propagated to all waiting fibers
  • with effect IO[E, A] using completeWith - first fiber that calls completeWith wins and sets effect that will be executed by each awaiting fiber, so be careful when using p.completeWith(someEffect) and rather use p.complete(someEffect unless executing someEffect by each awaiting fiber is intent
  • simply fail with E using fail
  • simply defect with Throwable using die
  • fail or defect with Cause[E] using halt
  • interrupt it with interrupt

Following example shows usage of all of them:

import zio._

val race: IO[String, Int] = for {
p <- Promise.make[String, Int]
_ <- p.succeed(1).fork
_ <- p.complete(ZIO.succeed(2)).fork
_ <- p.completeWith(ZIO.succeed(3)).fork
_ <- p.done(Exit.succeed(4)).fork
_ <-"5")
_ <- p.halt(Cause.die(new Error("6")))
_ <- p.die(new Error("7"))
_ <- p.interrupt.fork
value <- p.await
} yield value

The act of completing a Promise results in an UIO[Boolean], where the Boolean represents whether the promise value has been set (true) or whether it was already set (false). This is demonstrated below:

val ioPromise1: UIO[Promise[Exception, String]] = Promise.make[Exception, String]
val ioBooleanSucceeded: UIO[Boolean] = ioPromise1.flatMap(promise => promise.succeed("I'm done"))

Another example with fail(...):

val ioPromise2: UIO[Promise[Exception, Nothing]] = Promise.make[Exception, Nothing]
val ioBooleanFailed: UIO[Boolean] = ioPromise2.flatMap(promise => Exception("boom")))

To re-iterate, the Boolean tells us whether or not the operation took place successfully (true) i.e. the Promise was set with the value or the error.


We can get a value from a Promise using await, calling fiber will suspend until Promise is completed.

val ioPromise3: UIO[Promise[Exception, String]] = Promise.make[Exception, String]
val ioGet: IO[Exception, String] = ioPromise3.flatMap(promise => promise.await)


The computation will suspend (in a non-blocking fashion) until the Promise is completed with a value or an error.

If we don't want to suspend, and we only want to query the state of whether or not the Promise has been completed, we can use poll:

val ioPromise4: UIO[Promise[Exception, String]] = Promise.make[Exception, String]
val ioIsItDone: UIO[Option[IO[Exception, String]]] = ioPromise4.flatMap(p => p.poll)
val ioIsItDone2: IO[Option[Nothing], IO[Exception, String]] = ioPromise4.flatMap(p => p.poll.get)

If the Promise was not completed when we called poll then the IO will fail with the Unit value otherwise, we obtain an IO[E, A], where E represents if the Promise completed with an error and A indicates that the Promise successfully completed with an A value.

isDone returns UIO[Boolean] that evaluates to true if promise is already completed.

Example Usage​

Here is a scenario where we use a Promise to hand-off a value between two Fibers

import zio.console._
import zio.duration._
import zio.clock._

val program: ZIO[Console with Clock, IOException, Unit] =
for {
promise <- Promise.make[Nothing, String]
sendHelloWorld = (IO.succeed("hello world") <* sleep(1.second)).flatMap(promise.succeed)
getAndPrint = promise.await.flatMap(putStrLn(_))
fiberA <- sendHelloWorld.fork
fiberB <- getAndPrint.fork
_ <- (fiberA zip fiberB).join
} yield ()

In the example above, we create a Promise and have a Fiber (fiberA) complete that promise after 1 second and a second Fiber (fiberB) will call await on that Promise to obtain a String and then print it to screen. The example prints hello world to the screen after 1 second. Remember, this is just a description of the program and not the execution itself.