
  • package root
    Definition Classes
  • package zio
    Definition Classes
  • package test

    _ZIO Test_ is a featherweight testing library for effectful programs.

    _ZIO Test_ is a featherweight testing library for effectful programs.

    The library imagines every spec as an ordinary immutable value, providing tremendous potential for composition. Thanks to tight integration with ZIO, specs can use resources (including those requiring disposal), have well- defined linear and parallel semantics, and can benefit from a host of ZIO combinators.

    import zio.test._
    import zio.Clock.nanoTime
    object MyTest extends ZIOSpecDefault {
      def spec = suite("clock")(
        test("time is non-zero") {
          for {
            time <-
          } yield assertTrue(time >= 0L)
    Definition Classes
  • object TestConfig extends Serializable
    Definition Classes
  • Test
  • TestV2

final case class TestV2(repeats: Int, retries: Int, samples: Int, shrinks: Int, checkAspect: CheckAspect) extends TestConfig with Product with Serializable

  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. TestV2
  2. Product
  3. Equals
  4. TestConfig
  5. Serializable
  6. AnyRef
  7. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Instance Constructors

  1. new TestV2(repeats: Int, retries: Int, samples: Int, shrinks: Int, checkAspect: CheckAspect)

Value Members

  1. val checkAspect: CheckAspect

    Aspect that should be applied to each check sample.

    Aspect that should be applied to each check sample.

    NOTE: default implementation for backward compatibility. Remove in next major version.

    Definition Classes
  2. def productElementNames: Iterator[String]
    Definition Classes
  3. val repeats: Int

    The number of times to repeat tests to ensure they are stable.

    The number of times to repeat tests to ensure they are stable.

    Definition Classes
  4. val retries: Int

    The number of times to retry flaky tests.

    The number of times to retry flaky tests.

    Definition Classes
  5. val samples: Int

    The number of sufficient samples to check for a random variable.

    The number of sufficient samples to check for a random variable.

    Definition Classes
  6. val shrinks: Int

    The maximum number of shrinkings to minimize large failures

    The maximum number of shrinkings to minimize large failures

    Definition Classes