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Version: 1.0.18


Random service provides utilities to generate random numbers. It's a functional wrapper of scala.util.Random. This service contains various different pseudo-random generators like nextInt, nextBoolean and nextDouble. Each random number generator functions return a URIO[Random, T] value.

import zio.random._
import zio.console._
for {
randomInt <- nextInt
_ <- putStrLn(s"A random Int: $randomInt")
randomChar <- nextPrintableChar
_ <- putStrLn(s"A random Char: $randomChar")
randomDouble <- nextDoubleBetween(1.0, 5.0)
_ <- putStrLn(s"A random double between 1.0 and 5.0: $randomDouble")
} yield ()

Random service has a setSeed which helps us to alter the state of the random generator. It is useful when writing the test version of Random service when we need a generation of the same sequence of numbers.

for {
_ <- setSeed(0)
nextInts <- (nextInt zip nextInt)
} yield assert(nextInts == (-1155484576,-723955400))

Also, it has a utility to shuffle a list or generating random samples from Gaussian distribution:

  • shuffle - Takes a list as an input and shuffles it.
  • nextGaussian — Returns the next pseudorandom, Gaussian ("normally") distributed double value with mean 0.0 and standard deviation 1.0.


Random numbers that are generated via Random service are not cryptographically strong. Therefore it's not safe to use the ZIO Random service for security domains where a high level of security and randomness is required, such as password generation.