Sample Projects
- GitHub Release Pager with ZIO 2.0 by Pavels Sisojevs
- Redis Streams with ZIO by Leszek Gruchała
- ZIO Production Ready Microservice by Rafael Figueiredo
- ZIO Modern Backend giter8 Template - Tapir, sttp, http4s by Boris V.Kuznetsov
- ZIO CRUD sample - Code for the 'Spring to ZIO 101' blog post 03/2020 by Adrian Filip
- ZIO modules with different implementations - Code for the 'Decouple the Program from its Implementation...' blog post 12/2019 by pme123
- TicTacToe command line game using Service Pattern by ioleo
- Long Polling with ZIO - Code for the 'What can ZIO do for me?' blog post 11/2019 by pme123
- Hello world with ZIO and http4s by maplambda
- STM Partitioning - Code for the 'Exploring the STM functionality in ZIO' blog post
- ZIO Todo Backend by mschuwalow
- Event Driven Messenger by edvmorango
- Zorechka Bot by wix-incubator
- A ZIO + http4s + Circe + Quill + Tapir giter8 template by pandaforme
- More ZIO/http4s: with http4s authentication, encoding/decoding + zio tests by Tim Pigden
- Full Scala Stack, a sample project that uses akka-http, slick, zio, scalajs, react, ScalablyTyped and semantic ui by Roberto Leibman
- A minimal ZIO giter8 template by jchoffmann
- Lagom CQRS/ES microservices with ZIO, Caliban, zio-grpc, elastic4s and Logstage by Yaroslav Yaremenko
- ZIO Advanced Template by Boris V.Kuznetsov
- ZIO Quill, H2 Database with FlyWay migrations Explained by Boris V.Kuznetsov
- ZIO Tapir Http4s Integration by Boris V.Kuznetsov
- Akka Microservice using DDD with ZIO Streams Tapir AkkaHTTP Integration by Miguel Villafuerte
- Simple ZIO ScalaJS Skeleton by Samir Benzenine
- Full ZIO Stack: A sample IM that uses zio, zio-redis, zio-actors, zio-schema, zio-streams, zio-crypto, tapir, akka-http by bitlap (Notes in Chinese)
- JWT Auth based persisent (reactive MongoDB) RESTful API for managing notes with ZIO 2.0, Scala 3 and ZLayers by Anzori (Nika) Ghurtchumelia
- ZIO 2.0 Restful webservice example using zio, zio-http, zio-json, quill, H2, twirl, zio-streams, zio-cache, zio-logging by Dino Fancellu
- Simple web project using Scala3, ZIO2 (with tests), Caliban (with ZQuery), Http4s, Cats, Circe, Doobie by Paweł Kołodziejczyk
- All in one observability: Scala3 + ZIO + Prometheus metrics + OpenTelemetry tracing (Jaeger) by Paweł Kołodziejczyk