add(x: A): UIO[Boolean] | Adds a new value. |
addAll(xs: Iterable[A]): UIO[Boolean] | Adds all new values. |
collectFirst[B](pf: PartialFunction[(A, B)): UIO[Option[B]] | Finds the first element of a set for which the partial function is defined and applies the function to it. |
exists(p: A => Boolean): UIO[Boolean] | Tests whether a given predicate holds true for at least one element in the set. |
fold[R, E, S](zero: S)(f: (S, A) => S): UIO[S] | Folds the elements of a set using the given binary operator. |
forall(p: A => Boolean): UIO[Boolean] | Tests whether a predicate is satisfied by all elements of a set. |
find[B](p: A => Boolean): UIO[Option[A]] | Retrieves the elements in which predicate is satisfied. |
remove(x: A): UIO[Boolean] | Removes the entry for the given value if it is mapped to an existing element. |
removeAll(xs: Iterable[A]): UIO[Boolean] | Removes all the entries for the given values if they are mapped to an existing element. |
removeIf(p: A => Boolean): UIO[Boolean] | Removes all elements which satisfy the given predicate. |
retainAll(xs: Iterable[A]): UIO[Boolean] | Retain all the entries for the given values if they are mapped to an existing element. |
retainIf(p: A => Boolean): UIO[Boolean] | Removes all elements which do not satisfy the given predicate. |
clear: UIO[Unit] | Removes all elements. |
contains(x: A): UIO[Boolean] | Tests whether if the element is in the set. |
containsAll(xs: Iterable[A]): UIO[Boolean] | Tests if the elements in the collection are a subset of the set. |
size: UIO[Int] | Number of elements in the set. |
isEmpty: UIO[Boolean] | True if there are no elements in the set. |
toSet: UIO[Set[A]] | Create a concurrent set from a set. |
transform(f: A => A): UIO[Unit] | Create a concurrent set from a collection. |